Big data and advanced analytics for sustainable management of the dairy cattle sector.

Many devices have been introduced in livestock farms to monitor and control environmental conditions, animal behavior, and production parameters. Similarly, milk quality reports at dairy companies and labs are often logged for long-term analysis.

Data-driven platforms

This enables the development of data-driven platforms and solutions to improve the sustainability of the agrifood system. The main ambition of the project is to improve sustainability and animal welfare, besides productivity, in dairy farming through advanced data analytics for every level of stakeholders.

Optimal digital ecosystem, modeling & improve the decision-making

DiarySust will first develop an optimal digital ecosystem based on the integration and harmonization of heterogeneous data types. Classical and advanced modeling strategies will be used and compared. The results will be provided to the stakeholders to improve the decision-making process about animal welfare and the sustainability of the production.

Logo Dairysust



EIT food


1/1/2021 - 31/12/2021

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Europese vlag
Co-funded by the European Union